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mapList Parameter

There are two mutually-exclusive parameters that give you the capability of creating a list of maps for the user to choose from.

<PARAM name="mapList" value="mapfile1^menuname1$mapfile2^menuname2">

The mapList parameter creates a list of menu names which point to map files. The carrot (^) separates the map file name and the display name. The menu name must be unique. The dollar sign ($) separates entries. .mp is the assumed suffix of the map name if no suffix is present.

In the listings below, optional parameters are enclosed in brackets, [ ], for clarity. Do not include the brackets in your maplist.

If the map file is a DOS map file, the entry looks like:
mapfile[,offsetX,offsetY[,scale[,iconScale]]]^menuname[,offsetX,offsetY[,scale[,iconScale]]]^menuname[,offsetX,offsetY[,scale[,iconScale]]]^menuname (not recommended due to certain web servers).

If the map file is a GIF file, the entry looks like:
mapname.gif,gifMapTop,gifMapLeft,gifMapBottom,gifMapRight[,screenCenterL at,screenCenterLon[,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon[,scale[,mapProjection[,bac kgroundColor[,iconScale]]]]]]^menuname

If the map file is a JPEG file, the entry looks like:
mapname.jpg,gifMapTop,gifMapLeft,gifMapBottom,gifMapRight[,screenCenterL at,screenCenterLon[,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon[,scale[,mapProjection[,bac kgroundColor[,iconScale]]]]]]^menuname

If the map file is a PNG file, the entry looks like:
mapname.png,gifMapTop,gifMapLeft,gifMapBottom,gifMapRight[,screenCenterL at,screenCenterLon[,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon[,scale[,mapProjection[,bac kgroundColor[,iconScale]]]]]]^menuname

If the map file is a Tiger map, the entry looks like:
tiger,tigerMapTop,tigerMapLeft,tigerMapHigh[,iconScale]^menuname tiger,c,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon,tigerMapHigh[,iconScale]^menuname

If the map file is a Expedia map, the entry looks like:

If the map file is a ShapeFile, the entry looks like:
mapname.shp,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon,scale[,bac kgroundColor[,iconScale]]
or,mapCenterLat,mapCenterLon,scale[,bac kgroundColor[,iconScale]]

<PARAM name="mapListFile" value="list.txt">

list.txt is the file name of a text file that is formated the same as the mapList, except that each entry is put on its own line instead of using dollar signs for separators.