Client Software

Software Name
(and link)
OS(es) Description
APRSdos MS-DOS The original APRS application. Specialized versions are also available.
While not directly APRS-IS capable, it sets the standard for APRS packets.
APRSDroid Android GUI app for Android
AFilter Windows
(32 bit)
Data stream filter application.
AGWTracker Windows
(32 bit)
GUI with multiple map types.
AGWTrackerPPC Windows Mobile GUI for Windows Mobile
ALogger Windows
(32 bit)
APRS-IS logging application.
APRSISCE/32 Windows Mobile, CE
Windows 32 and 64 bit
GUI client for Windows Mobile and Windows 32 & 64 bit OSes
APRS/CE WindowsCE GUI client for Windows CE
APRSPoint Windows
(32 bit)
GUI client. Uses MapPoint for maps.
Aprx UNIXes, Linux, BSD, Sunos APRS IGate and digipeater supports Linux AX.25 and serial interfaces.
APRS+SA Windows
(32 bit)
GUI client and IGate. Uses Street Atlas for maps.
javAPRS Java Applet GUI applet for web pages.
javAPRSSrvrIGate Android IGate/local server for Android
mAPRS Java Midlet Midlet for Mobile Devices. MacOS GUI client
MacAPRS MacOS GUI client and IGate
PinPoint APRS Windows GUI client/IGate
pocketAPRS PalmOS GUI client for Palm OS.
(Please do not contact me regarding this software. I am not the author of this software)
SARTrack Windows (32 bit) GUI designed for Search and Rescue, Tactical callsigns, multi-colour tracks, Search Areas, Messaging, SAR Logging
SmartPalm PalmOS Text client.
UI-View Windows
(16 & 32 bit)
GUI client and IGate.
WinAPRS Windows
(16 & 32 bit)
GUI client and IGate
X-APRS Linux X-Windows GUI client and IGate
XASTIR X-Window OSes
GUI client and IGate.
YAAC Windows (32 & 64 bit)
Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD
GUI client and IGate